Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Training for Nike Women's Marathon

Nike Master Trainer Marie Purvis

I don't think that dreams are ever achieved by a quick and easy road to the top. I personally have been working towards achieving my fitness and career dreams for a long time. I have had my successes and my setbacks. Most recently, my success in being able to train with Nike Women for the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco in October. I have been spending hours, days, even weeks, nearly 10,000 minutes training with the Nike Training Club app and it is paying off in a big way.

This week I get to talk with Nike Master Trainer Marie Purvis and get a personalized training plan for my upcoming trip to San Francisco for the Nike Women's Marathon. I am so excited, and nervous to talk to my biggest fitness and training inspiration. I know she will have great tips for achieving my PR in the marathon. What questions should I ask her when I get to talk to her? Do you guys have any training or marathon tips?

I definitely need tips on how much running to do each week and how quickly to increase my mileage. I have only run one other marathon and my training was not what I had hoped it would be. I am hoping to get some serious advice that will kick my training into #beastmode! I'll be sure to keep you posted on my training progress.


  1. EEEEAK! My call is next week Tues w/Marie :)
    Be sure to let us know how it went.
    Congrats on nearly hitting the 10,000 mark on NTC :)

    I've been using the NWM 2011 coach guide on the nikeplus.com to get some idea of where I should be as a beginner and I'm sure she'll have more to add on that.

    1. Thanks! The call today was great. Marie is so nice and positive. You will have a great call too and she'll give you a great training plan. Can't wait for NWM!

  2. I know the feeling! i can't wait to speak with her!!!! One thing I would say is to NOT increase your mileage quickly--you have plenty of time to do it safely and gradually so as not end up with an injury.

  3. HUGE congrats girl!! This is sooo exciting !! I'm so proud of you!!!

  4. Thanks Jenae! I'm so excited. I can't wait to see your Nike Women photo shoot and trip results too.
